Amazing Easy Cherry Blossom Nails | Spring Flower Nail Art Design Tutorial Trendy

Easy Cherry Blossom Nails. hi this is Robin here with nameless and we have started this tutorial with pickup line by Twilight true and OPI put it in neutral so I have the mint on the bottom and the clear on the top and I'm going to do cherry blossoms I have this out on my palate brown and black and I'm going into the dark brown right here for the leaves this for the flowers and they are all regular acrylic paints water down with water with a little bit of spray on the French line . 

Pull through God and I was telling name was like out of all my tutorials visit this one I don't have I have it once when I first started to a nail art on youtube and it is a horrible horrible rendition because my camera was so bad the photo was so bad and then it was immediately duped I'm going to have a lot of people did it right behind me and I was like oh god and they had better cameras and swing it around just meandering the lines very simple and if you want to just do the lines like this like like one just just across the nail that's fine you want it like this ok so before i go in with the with the cherry blossoms I'm going to go and just put a few dark leaves in and this will be the background for the blossom to let them pop a little bit harder than if i didn't give them any leaves so I'm just going to put a little bit of leaves here and there and um on the cherry blossom leaves here in a real tree it doesn't show it's just the blossom but these are abstract I learned to show above the above colors

So I'm going to give it like a little what is that like a little bit of darkness that I can put them on to make them pop I hope that makes sense ok so now over the top of that i have a just a beautiful pink color and i'm just going to push it over the top of the beliefs now yes it does cover the leaves but do you see how it kind of punches out some sometimes so it's looking like it's in different dimensions and so . . . in a little circle make sure the frame ok dot dot dot dot dot dot dot and you're just going to . around and you can just do little dots like that then with a lighter pink I'm going to go in and highlight and all you have to do is just touch down here and there and that just gives them to mention without having to draw anything so you just kind of . pull out and then you have your trade awesome so I'm gonna finish that ok so now i'm going to go in with the reflex gold I mean this is reflex read by Mac I got a sample of it on ebay and um people are now putting samples of of glitters from Mac on ebay and they're really reasonable and they last forever so if you can get samples I even go ahead reflects gold it just says reflects red there's reflects gold reflect silver reflex pearl reflects blue they have every color and I suggest if you can afford them get them because they're all beautiful so I'm going to add just a little bit of top coat to this on the side I will pull from the side like this with my of my brush and you see how the Red starts to come out it's really a pink it's not really a red but considering it's gorgeous so I'm going to go into the Centers of all of these cherry blossoms over the the pink it's going to reflect read over the black and it's going to turn from pink to red and then it will finish this is this design i will put top coat and i will show you the

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