Amazing Easy Stripe Nails Tutorial Design | DIY Nail Art for beginners Trendy

Easy Stripe Nails Tutorial Design. this is Robin Moses I'm here with guru and this is going to be a very simple and fast beautiful tutorial it is perfect for any kind of a formal occasion I've started with a regular French manicure that I created myself I use a little bit of peak iight a bottle of clear nail polish like this.

And then I added like pink and white and yellow flesh town that covered you can also use neutral by OPI and now with black and white acrylic paint that I bought the craft store Michaels $4 model this is Apple Barrel I'm going in and I am just striping with my eyeliner brush up the sides with black like that ok then with the same brush and clean it out.

I use acetone to clean out my Russian between just to make sure all residue was off of it but you can use water when you're using acrylic paint ok so now I'm going on with white acrylic paint and going in between and around like this just to make some strides like that I'm going to use a litter then I'm gonna go through and just hit it here and they're not real stick lines but just highlighting through the center area where I went now I was inspired to do this this way because of the Met Gala I saw all the different dresses that were metallics and all the cut-out to stuff like this and this is kind of a nail design that is an enhancement of a really really big board dress it's not a stand-alone kind of nail design but more of like an enhancement no design so I hope you guys learned a lot often it finishes and show you wouldn't want your juicy ok and here is the end result very very elegant very simple and easy to do

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