Amazing Easy Chanel Designer Nail Art DIY Trendy

Easy Chanel Designer Nail Art DIY. hey guys it's a nail polish challenge in today on the show you who do these super high fashion Chanel males for this manicure I'm using Cuchillo basecoat OPI alpine snow OPI my gondola cars and to top go I am also using OPI matte topcoat this is what you need in order to create that coat effect on your nails and also using these dripping Chanel details that I got from Schottky eat I will put the wings for these as well as always there's something you think in the Description box below for the quoted now I'm using this dinosaur Schlosser you can use a regular one does not read and so on but these loans are you human rights so that's gonna have and make sure plus through important alright so I'm going to start off by showing you how did the quilted else I did this on all of my nails except for my ring finger wanna start off with a coat of case go over my natural male one thats try I'm going to be playing my black nail polish actually not a black guy got a little bit of silver shimmer it but I thought it was perfect the best so that's amusing went to get him codes on there you can apply your child cope drives you can see that it is becoming that shade.

And we want to be a little drive for the next step but not completely dry sauna judaism gonna take my a closer and I'm just gonna start producing dad no one really softly pressing down into my slightly when you want to be careful not to press too hard otherwise you're just gonna go through three down to your place now you can do the same thing with no line on the opposite side and yours equipped it if you do mess up the sport and you want to try again the polish off just alright and now I'm gonna show you how to do the detail now this is only going online to start off with a nice coat of basically over my national now I am gonna be applying my weight now bloch and I'm just gonna put it into a few seconds just to the details separates from the backing after about 20 seconds.

You can pull it out of the water and gently slide it all the way back in this decal is transparent so it should be totally clear now I'm gonna take it over to my right now and I'm just going to please sit down where you can move it around a little bit so you don't have to worry about placing it perfectly on the first try once it got it where I wanted I can just president gently with my finger to remove any air bubbles and last but not least I'm gonna play my top 10 and that's it for this nail polish look I hope you guys enjoy it if you want to recreate and I am I designed this is the house to look 10 PCs

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