Amazing How To Apply Acrylic Nails at Home for Beginners Trendy

How To Apply Acrylic Nails at Home . I'll be teaching you how I do my acrylic nails little disclaimer I am NOT a professional nail technician I mr. average Joe who decided I didn't want to pay 35 euro every two weeks to get bored as long as so i'm just going to show you what i do to get my nails like this so basically i will see soon in a video i am a horrible nail water I've never been able to kick the habit and two and a half years ago I went to get my nails done.

And I wanted to try getting you no longer nails bottom and I was like well I can never know how long else ever end that I was also like okay I'm robust folks and I can't afford every two weeks to pay like 30-35 euro to get milestone so I was like right i guess i'm teaching myself and I'm here to hopefully to spend my knowledge on to you so you could be the same I was as well i started doing these two and a half years ago so it is now pretty good doing it the first couple of times you try to do it in your own nails everything fucking righteous shit don't worry with everything started it's always going to start eyes - hardly horrendous but it'll get better with practice and the more you do them you know the easier is my nail grows and I've got my two weeks I to my nails we have to find my nail grows you might get three weeks.

How To Apply Acrylic Nails at Home for Beginners

I get too excited them icon to select them all and then I start again ok so that is enough of me shining onto my nails so here is a tutorial also a warning you're about to see Amy's nails or they're all bitten and in their true form I'm just kinda you know it's not pretty okay just so you're aware that you know I warning for you you're not afraid does he look just remember this is the end this is the end of product so just ignore the been like no baby finger is you know for the purpose of this video ok ok here's everything they need this metal instrument here for pushing in Google's nail file nail glue acrylic primer towards your fingertips brush cleaner liquid paying Isaac here powder dizzle yolk for putting a liquid and nail clippers this thing out of course your brush ok so the first step you want to do is you want to take this thing here it's just like a metal they for pushing on your cuticles so basically what you want to do is just push on your cuticles is think build up.

I don't ever worry too much about this it's just going to make sure that there's no like skin left on the nail okay that'll do absolute state of my nails like honestly it's embarrassing okay the next step is to take a nail file and what I'm going to do is both all the nails basically kind of like scraps of the nail and you want to give it a like a bit more texture that when you're gluing on the fake now your nail isn't like completely smooth and it kind of grips onto it easier I'm extends ok so you're finished do the nail is all I've scrubbed up so they should be like that hey text you want to do is take your nail tips on match oh and I'll be the tips your nail this is basically just trial and error you always want to make sure it is able to go from one size all the other so ok so it isn't fits better so just wait outside name for some of them like this smallest finger I always feel like I have to and file down the sides see that when I fits better because you to follow sides this one is just slightly too big so it follows as well you pretty much always have to file you know at least a couple you're never gonna happen ever to perfectly match and see your nail place where all your nails are ready to go take your nail glue that one of your nail starts to bleed and that means it's time to stop biting your nails please use with the smallest bit on just the edge and then when you're placing it on the finger you want like you want to like it kind of go dying from like an idol so and then and then hold it and I always kind of press in the side as well so I kind of go like an angle like that and down and then press in the sides ok so now your nails look like you should be in some kind of power film I'm going to be great for Halloween but i would find it very impractical.

So I'm going to follow him down ok so i want to have filed my nails with a coffin shape every night kinda just clip from the top management school and more to file the sides ok so next you want to do is put on your critic primer this basically is that p and critic tighter and still actually sticks on is going to do it like so literally we want to do is just you can coat the actual now you want to do you know your actual and native now we're ready to put on the Philip you want to pour in some of your liquids take your powder ok so I'm trying to explain what i'm going to do with a resume and you can see so easy we want to do is wire brush and that and like remove access then take like one job and you'll see you on the bridge and starts before for my god Joe like bowl and they want to do always is i kinda like just Pat her on their first and then kind of smooth i already have many tips I can give you on this part this is complete all the practice I've been doing it for by two and a half years myself so I'm just going to zoom in and hopefully you guys can just going to see what i'm doing and kind of get the idea ok so in it goes and then with access to see that little bolus forms so i just place it on and then Russia soon and I can just push it back as close to the cuticle as a con and actually i'm just going to like I'm just gonna like soy but John and then i can is through the access on the tissue yeah I usually going to do want to go on the pinky but for the rest of the nails that you do not have to do it like once or twice so press it on

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