Amazing OPI Tru Neon Nails | DIY Hand painted PEACHES Nail Art Design Tutorial Trendy

Neon Nails. i'm here with mammy we are going to start with a beautiful nail art tutorial with all of the neons from OPI so i'm going to list them but what they do is they give you the you the white oh gosh mammy what I do with it as soon as I start to Kara yeah thank you so you start the top coats you start the polish with put a coat on and is white and it and it's just a real bass white you can use wet and wild and then they give you the neons that go with it and then you you paint it over the white color and it pops the color behind it out as a as a neon now I've been doing this probably oh my gosh 20 years in my career and it's normal for me to paint nails like this and i would have to say that for coverage and brightness and everything considering everything it it's okay um I for as much work as you put in for it you're going to see that the the blue and a couple of them are real streaky you need to put a lot of coats on and it doesn't look as good as unless you really are good at painting nails.

I mean you really have to be not a booby to get these colors on i'm going to show you here is with one coat and that's done by by me who pain I was painted over a million fingernails this is ok it doesn't have a beautiful end result it and then i'm going to go in with code number two and i'm going to just I i have to get over the cuticles a little bit so that it gets over the whole white and coat evenly and then take off the excess and um that's how I would do it looks great with two coats what i recommend paying ten dollars a bottle for them.

Neon Nails Designs

I don't know I i know that i can make them just as fast getting a cheap excuse me a cheap neon color and then adding clear to it so that it pops over the white both work equally but i guess with the second coat on this looks beautiful you know i would give them what 7.5 maybe but i wanted to let you see what they look like on the green is lovely second coat the orange I really like the orange the orange i think is the best out of the collection because it's a true orange is a true neon orange and it covers nicely without streaking I like it so the orange is good but I've used you know the Claire's neon orange / white and it looks just as good but it's probably five dollars less anyways ok so there's that and i will meet you back ok so i'm going to name the colors off real quick that the yellow is no photo yellow i'm going to give that probably an eighth the Blue is called a correct a mundo i'm going to give that probably seven or six because it is almost exactly like my car has navigation with clear added to it um i'm going to give pants on fire and nine it's a great neon orange this pink is the star attraction precisely pink it is absolutely lovely painted twice over the white beautiful my favorite the green probably seven or eight drink green come true Green come true.

It is a beautiful green in the bottle on the nail is very difficult to polish but I mean the payoff is pretty good and i got from OPI and I just want to say thank you i'm probably going to give them a giveaway because i have all the neons already but keep an eye out I'm having to keep precisely pink because i will use the whole bottle so now i'm going to take a la colors of silver and with the silver i am going to tip each nail with silver hoop just to make them all go together in a really like cute blingy way ok so now i'm going in with a white stripe this is a kind of technically difficult again but it's not the worst thing you you'd rat you taught touchdown i have my liner touchdown here we go why am i doing all this stuff okay here we go touchdown roll the finger BAM tape no tape necessary role the finger then roll the finger another thing about the the neons is that when you paint the nail white first and then put me on over the top of it you have to be extra careful with your clients . not to move because every dent in the nails shows so um you have to be real careful so that's another thing I mean it's really hard to pay me huh I'll be back ok so now i have red orange yellow green yellow black and white paint and i'm going to mix the red just a tiny bit of red into the orange pull from right here and then mix it into here ok and then what happens every year for me is that she goes to the County Fair in the country country fair and the country fair is is logo is a peach so I'm going to push in the back part of the peach first then I'm going to push in the front of the peach like this turn it into almost a sir goal huh maybe are you fall asleep on me you know what about you sounds like a country fair like going to a hoedown man does not do hoe down and no this is no I like a renaissance okay yeah but but it is a huge fair that is here every year in eugene oregon and it is a big to do and everybody comes out for days to get inside and it is full of crazy people so I've never been ma'am but mammy has been every year if I don't you know what I'm doing I'm painting the the nails for Country Fair every year that's what I do by the time a country fair gets here I'm more now I'm like no more country fair for me so I mixed some green together and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and put in the little peach thing now with yellow.

I'm going to go into the bottom and just because of what the paint is still wet it's going to just highlight right there and i'm just going to paint the peach I mean you can't be afraid to make a mistake ok then i'm going to highlight it a little bit more and i picked a nail that where it would stand out the most is right next to yellow so I'm putting the yellow on there is a highlight everything is kind of a little bit calculated and now see how it like this i'm going to go with the black take that little top off so it's a little bit around her if my blacks a little bit right out if you are having your knit your your brush skipping it's because you brought your polishes to you thick or pad I'm sorry paint ok so that's thinner now see how it slides now i can get details and better there we go peach done BAM country very speech now i'm going to do a few little tiny white butterflies now what this does is it pulls the whole design together and makes it a little bit brighter without it being over-the-top crazy it all kind of tones it down and turns it more into a happy fun design / a wild or hot design it turns it more country instead of glitz and diva so I'm going to put those little things in here and i'm going to try and put maybe a little butterfly and here somewhere and then a few butterflies through the design and I'll me back ok and here is the end result now now that I have the top coat on and everything put on them they look really good and I hope that a trend translates on this camera because they really are bright and pretty and I like them they are pretty it's hard to paint with them but I think it's worth it i think it's nice and anyways I have what every monday wednesday and friday if you try them and you find the that that you can do something differently that helps me go ahead and if you want to if you like this information and stuff tell me in the comments and I will see you back with more everybody have a great time painting

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