Trendy Nail Designs Tumblr TOP Latest
Nail Designs Tumblr - The Different style nail creations were admired by all who attended as the models show cased the most unusual designs such as the black and blue houndstooth patterned nails by Henry Holland's team. Then there were nails featuring ghosts and eggs as well as other motifs being displayed by Meadham Kirchoff's models.
Galery of nail designs tumblr:

Another reason for the recent popularity of nail styling could be attributed to the sudden obsession with nail polish, where women were looking for something else besides just ordinary nail polish. Besides, the New York Times reported an increase of 67% in nail polish sales in America alone.

It goes to show that nail art is an inexpensive way for women all over to make a fashion statement about themselves. Retailers seem to think that this new craze is womens way of beautifying their hands and fingers much like they would have done with diamonds in times gone by. Only now, it is deemed so much safer in that their chances of getting robbed is very slim in comparison
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