Amazing CURE FOOT and Toenail Fungus Using Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks Trendy
Nail Fungus Treatment. I want to show you today how I have gotten rid of if you look carefully you can see at the base the toenail is now growing and healthy and pink but yet you know quarter of an inch and a half an inch starts about right there so this is all helping pink and this is off topic I'm i think i got a visiting family I know they had problems with toe fungus and their shower would drain and so I have had this for a couple years I have gotten a parasite that respond to so King to with hydrogen peroxide and as i was joking with the hydrogen peroxide I noticed the this with healing.
So I'm I continuing with the soaking of the hydrogen peroxide to continue the healing with both the parasite and the toe fungus so I want to show you how I do that it's very simple you get some hydrogen profit from the local store any sort of house was pretty much this is walmart eighty cents at walmart for the entire bottle of the three percent how do you park side and then what I do is I mark the top of it would be because you can use the same peroxide again and again and I just pour it back into the bottle is it again and I got some more bread pans that there's any more but put it on them a cattle that you don't care about a product that can cause leaking make sure it's not over carpet or lonely or something that might damage the tile and and then you just soak your feet in and i usually just put on an episode of some show that i'm watching on netflix or something while I usually watch this one I'm working on the house or something and then this it would be nice to you for a little bit longer you could use a foot stuff but you would need a lot more peroxide so what I do is I just took my feet this one doesn't have any toe fungus or anything but I feel good because of the parasites and you can check those out on my blog and I more about that but this is what I do I just stick it in there for about 30 minutes 45 minutes and then when it's done I take it out on me feat on the towel throw it in the wash for the correct laid back in the bottles for the next time.
CURE FOOT and Toenail Fungus Using Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks
CURE FOOT and Toenail Fungus Using Hydrogen Peroxide Soaks
I want to soak typically i have not soak my feet probably a month and that healthy grow out was from soaking it twice in a week about a month ago but i want to continue to soak them for the parasites and I can and I figure it can't hurt for that my little toe fungus but I really think that that will grow out healthy now that I've gotten a healthy route face I'm growing out but anyway I just wanted to show that as i know some friends of mine had took longer than they over and over and over try different things that have worked and this is nice because it's 88 cents you can use the same bottle over and over and you don't have to take both feet yourself the one that you have to talk on this i'm sure this would work for fingernail fungus as well and she's like in me know how it works
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