Amazing Easy Nail Art For Beginners Trendy

Easy Nail Art For Beginners.  I hope that you like because i am thinking about like making it into a series type of thing but it's going to be a simple nail art designs for beginners but of course even if you've been doing your nails for years and years and you're like an expert anyone can do these it's kind of just like easy simple nail art designs even though i like to try and keep all my designs easy here's that don't require any type of tools um I do have one that requires a nail striper but it's a very simple design all you have to do is make a straight line so it's kind of really good for people who are just getting used to using now strippers which is something i highly recommend for nail art.

I will link down below where i purchased my strikers and my dotting tools and nail art brushes because i always get questions about that so i will put the links down below for you guys give the video a thumbs up if you liked this idea if you want to see more like simple beginner nail art videos.

Easy Nail Art For Beginners

so if you give the video a thumbs up i will know that you liked it and that you want to see more of these and let me know in the comments which one is your favorite one two or 3i love knowing which one is your favorite when I do these kind of like three and one type of tutorials try any of the designs out definitely photos on facebook twitter or instagram i will have them all in double for you guys and make sure to not only hashtag my name but also at me .

So I can see it on Twitter and his friend that's kind of important because sometimes I miss a lot of your photos if you don't have to add me or you don't at my twitter name and stuff like that it's confusing but try to do both if you try one of these out so that i will be sure to see your photo and like it and comment on it and things like that so i hope that you enjoy the video and let's get into that tutorials for manicure number one you're just going to paint your nail any color that you want then taking another color you're just going to create three kind of like three steps so 1 2 & 3 kind of just like in a downward motion like that and that layer has dried go in with another color and do the same exact thing like that there's a bubble ok so that's how easy that is here is this finished manicure obviously I want a little bit crazy with all the different colors but I mean you can do this with any colors that you want if you did like a black base that may be a gold metallic second layer and then a black third player I think that'd be really cool to or I mean you can really use any colors that you want so super easy to do you don't need any special tools and it creates a really cute and fun design on your nails manicure number two you're going to start with any base color that you want to using a nail striper we're just going to draw from the middle of our nail to the corner of our nail a straight line we're going to do that on both sides to create a triangle then you're just going to fill it in and if this is your first time using a nail striper this nail design is perfect for you.

Because since you artist drawing straight lines you're going to get used to using your nail striper without having to create too much you know curvy lines or anything like that using a black male striper you're just going to trace that triangle add a small little triangle towards the tip of your nail how the finished manicure looks when you're all done again very easy to do getting used to using a nail striper you can use any colors that you would like to but I think it's cute it's an easy nail art that you guys like number two so now let's move on to our easy now our number three pick your number three you're going to need a sheet of these little ring stickers now I only have one left on my sheet it isn't any office supply store or in the office isle of any drugstore and paint your nail any color that you want to and then you're just going to put the little ring towards the bottom half of your nail and this is going to create the perfect half moon manicure without having any type of skill at all it's going to be perfect just make sure your base color is one hundred percent dry or else the sticker will pull it off and paint on your color of choice over that like to take the sticker off right away because you can smudge it a little bit I like to let it dry for just about a minute or two so it's kind of sticky and then I remove the sticker so when you take it off you have the perfect half moment manicure is how they finished half moon man he looks you have perfect edges the stickers work so well and again this is perfect for beginner because you don't have to use any type of artistic skills you don't have to draw anything just place the stickers towards your cuticles and you can use any colors that you want for this so very easy to do looks great and it's a great beginner type of miller you guys don't forget to thumbs up the video if you would like more simple beginner nail art design forget to send your photos if you try them out on facebook twitter or instagram i will have photos on my blog polish and Paroles calm and yeah i hope that you enjoyed the video i will talk to you guys very very soon

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