Amazing 3D Old Telephone Acrylic Nail Designs Tutorial Trendy

Acrylic Nail Designs. 3d old telephone with interactive parts acrylic Miller tutorial by hot-pink zebra polish hi everyone so in today's video I'm going to be making a 3d telephone and so old-fashioned telephone not like an iphone or anything so it's got the phone receiver on the curly cord that comes off the nail and you can actually hold us you can answer a phone call or you can make a phone call you want to spin the dial this is something that I've been thinking about making for a long time and I'm so happy with the way it turned out and I hope you like it - and maybe give it a try this isn't something practical that you would want to wear because it's gonna just cause you trouble and get damaged and it would probably be the best but if you're looking for just thanks to practice on or to push yourself and try something new this is definitely something i would recommend.

So I hope you like it and don't forget to click Subscribe to see my future reduce as well so i'm gonna begin by creating my background and i'm going to start with just some black acrylic and do an overly across my nail tip and the reason I'm doing black underneath the gold is if you've ever used transfer for you're going to be aware that eventually it does wear off so you're gonna want to color underneath it that you'd be fine with it showing if it did wear off and for me I decided black would be the way to go otherwise if you have a really metallicy gold acrylic you can use that instead I just I kind of like the black + transfer foil doesn't transfer completely so if your goals don't match it does sometimes look a little funny.

Acrylic Nail Designs

And then I'm going to overlay that with some clear acrylic this is going to be wearing building my nail structure and making sure that it's nice and thin and as perfect as can be and now i'm going to be filing it with a 180 good file you want to make sure that it is really nice and smooth so that the foil transfers as well as it can and then i'm going to be painting it with gel gel paint and normally I would buff the nail but because i'm using gel paint Gel paint will sort of level off any scratches at that pile may have left behind so it's not necessary at this point and then throw that in my lamp for half the time I normally would and so then I'm going to be able to use transfer foil on it that is what i find leaves it the perfect happiness so then I'm just going to take a piece of gold foil and rub it all over my nail and then apply your gel sealer to protect the gold foil so it doesn't get worn as we continue the design some take a piece of fishing line and some black thread i'm going to be painting regular lacquer on to my black thread and then wrapping it around the piece of fishing line this is to create our phone cord this is the part that really struggled with figuring out how to do because i wanted my phone cord to be curly and I don't want to use a piece of wire that would be curly because eventually if you were taking the phone on and off the wire would become weakened just from use and so I want to be something that would be durable and this is what I finally decided and I'm very happy with the way it turned out.

So I was quite happy with that little bit of inspiration that I had I don't even know how i decided to do this but anyways so let's create a link that you know is extra so that if something goes wrong you can do it again and let that dry and then on the meal from backe we're going to be creating our phone so place the end of that on the other of your phone cord into a bead of black just let that can set in there and then we're going to form that first speed into one end of the telephone receiver that's going to be the end that you would speak into and then add the long narrow part that you would usually hold in your hand and then the other end we're going to be adding the part with the speaker in it that you would listen to and once you have that on i'm going to go through and add a second layer of acrylic over the top of it just because it's the first layer never comes out very thick and you want this to have a thickness and the durability and also a realistic nice because they aren't really super thin they are a thicker device so i just another layer of click over the top of that to give it some thickness so I'm gonna cut a really tiny piece old picture frame and so once.

I have those i'm going to attach one of them to the back of my cell phone that's a telephone with to some black acrylic and then i'm going to attach the other one on to my nail tips I'm going to place it on the telephone and a little bit of glue onto it and then flip over the phone onto the onto the nail and hold it there and then once you take the phone off the one magnet will stay and the other will come with it so then you know that the magnets are lined up properly so then I'm going to to mate - L shapes out of a piece of wire and then I'm just going to cut them off so that they've gotten a short little ends and these are going to be the part the little cradle that holds the phone and this was a little more difficult than i was planning for it to be because I was having issues with my tweezers be magnetically charged and grabbing onto the wire or not want to let go but once I got them into place it wasn't an issue so i'm attaching them with clear click while the phone is on there and so this is just going to make sure that like the magnet everything is in the right place later on let that set before you continue because you don't want to mess them up once you got them in place once they're set you're going to want to make the base of the phone so i'm going to start with black acrylic and i'm going to just make that first part that kind of goes up and would hold the phone and then we're going to create the part that would sit on the table with more black acrylic and right now I'm not worrying about making sure that it's the right thickness or exactly the right shape i'm just making a vague outline of it to make sure that i'm going in the right direction so we have two rectangles and I'm sort of blending them together and smoothing them out so that i'm going to cut the length of my phone cord to the right size and my scissors was not wanting to cut it eventually to go through I spared you all of the egg me of watching me struggle with that and i'm going to attach the end of it to the base of my phone once that is firmly attached.

I'm going to be adding another layer of black acrylic over the top of the base and this is going to be where you're going to want to add your little bit of thickness and just making sure it's smooth and perfect and then poke a hole into the center of that semi-wet acrylic i'm going to apply gel sealer over the top of his cell phone cell phone telephone receiver oh my goodness modern days anyways and then also over the boat over the phone base leavin that little hole we poked we don't want to fill that up so now on a nail form backing I'm going to be creating my phone style so I'm going to first just create a circle of black acrylic and then once again i'm going to be poking a hole in the center of it so I'm gonna take my tweezers dip that in black acrylic so it doesn't stick and make my whole so I'm gonna paint that with some gel paint black gel paint kurit impressive piece of foil over it and tap coat actually the gel sealer cured again and then we're going to put our phone together so first I'm going to take a head pin and put it in just to make sure it goes through the hole in my dial and then i'm going to just fit it to see if it goes into that hole that we created on the phone as well cut it down to length add some glue over the whole put your head pin inside of it and use the smallest amount of glue that you think is possible and hold there and try to keep the dial from getting glue on it because then it's not going to spin and i'm going to be painting ten little dots around my dial with white paint once your 10 knots have dried i'm going to be painting the numbers one through zero and we're doing this by the way of nine so go one two three and you're going counterclockwise with your numbers and these are very small and so if you need to touch them up or if you find it easier to paint them off the meal you could paint the dial separately and then already have this part done when you attach it that would also be fine but I did go through and I did fix up my number is just a little bit and then after you're all satisfied then you can put that top coat over the dial and you're all done

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