Amazing Acrylic vs Gel Nails Trendy

Acrylic vs Gel Nails. so today we're going to discuss that so the first thing you might notice between acrylic and gel is the packaging gel specifically wants to have absolutely no UV rays hitting the product so you'll often find them in these opaque bottles also here's your little pots of gel and they're always in an old pink bottle as well same with your gel topcoat always never ever get to see them have to undo them every time you want to see the color where is acrylic always the liquid comes in attempted bottle for it comes in an old pic UV rays do not want to get to the product this also has UV inhibitors in it as well as a bit of a blue tinge and it makes it so the Sun doesn't yellow it when you're using.

So another big difference is the brushes brushes for acrylic are usually a natural hair brush whereas gel is synthetic another difference is the odor acrylic has a stronger older where is jealous mask and you don't smell it as much so it's great for a spa another huge difference is how they cure acrylic only cures when you combine the liquid with the powder system that's the power and I'll demonstrate or gel only cures when you place it under a lamp this is your UV lamp or an LED lab so that's essentially one of the huge difference between the two this stuff cares as you're working with it where this stuff just curious when you place it under the light so i just wanted to show you the difference in the consistency of how each product looks and feels when you're working with it you can use this with an eyedropper you can just do a few little drops in there you can smell the odor right away it can be a little overwhelming if you have a lot of girls working in a salon together so getting a ventilation system would help reduce the odor and here is my job make sure when you're working with gel you don't have any skylight above you or a nice big windows lots of light which is lovely but jail doesn't like it will harden as you're working with it and that can be really a disaster when you're trying to get stuff done so with my gel.

Acrylic vs Gel Nails

I want to use the synthetic brush my gel brush and with the acrylic these two I want to use my crush so when you're using i'll use it on a form and this is how you use the acrylic two part system whereas gel is just one picture monomer on your brush and then you go into your acrylic you pick up a ball of it when you place it on the person's nail and then you can start shaping this is where the scale comes in this is where the learning can be so frustrating because it's clearing up and you've got about 30 to 60 seconds before it starts to get to the point where it is going to move anymore and I see the difference in the time because it will make a difference in where you live in your heat humidity all those kind of things are cold okay so you just need to shape it up and do whatever you want to it and it can be can stay in like that lump if you like you can flatten it down whatever you've got it's going to carry out pretty quick once it's on there and it's together once you can find the two together it's done that there's nothing you can do about it different and i'll show you the difference so jeal is very different and that when you pick it up pick it up it's got a string like syrup different its kind of self leveling it'll come up to itself then when you apply it it's a very different in its movement you kind of swirl it on like icing a cake or you can do it the circles one advantage the gel does have is you can play with it a little to get what you're looking for you can mix colors in there you can sprinkle some sprinkles in there all that kind of stuff to make different color so when you've got your application on the finger then you want to put it into your light your LED or the UV lamp to cure it okay if you're in a salon getting your gel nails done and we need the product is applied.

And you put it under a left and it gets a bit warm all you have to do when you put your hand in there it gets a bit one just wiggle it like this when you're inside there or just pull it out and just kind of let it cool a little bit and then you can put it back in and you should be good that's how they work though one cure is immediately right away when you start working with it and this one takes all the time in the world one thing I like in my studio on a daily basis and i love the acrylic nail with the gel overlay that's one thing about acrylic you really can't get it to shine like you can when you apply the gel so you can drop it to shine but it takes a lot of work so i prefer to make an acrylic nail and get this product which is any top coat that a gel company will provide and it's the top soft coat and you put it on here it and it shines up whatever you're working on your capture a few my videos I do that quite often so if your client you're trying to decide which one's better acrylic or gel it really is a matter of what the nail technician is really skilled at and if you're a nail tech and you're trying to decide which one should i do acrylic or gel try them both they're both great products and that way look to decide which when you're really good at

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