Amazing Classic Video Game Nail Art Trendy

Video Game Nail Art. I will show you how to do these minimal classic video game nails that are easy enough for beginners after base coat I'm painting each of my nails a different color for the different characters on my pinky i'll be doing a super mushroom so i'm starting with a red polish my ring finger will be yellow for pac-man my middle will be blue for sonic a pink on my index for Kirby and finally brown on the thumb for Donkey Kong starting with the super mushroom I painted a band of tan polish across the tip of my nail.

Next I'm using a large dotting tool and white acrylic paint to add a full circle in the middle of the red part than two half circles on the sides lastly i added to black - is for eyes but I wasn't on my game so i had to go back with the tan polish and sharpen up the shape moving on to pac man i used a black paint and a Winstone you detail brush to sketch in a triangle mouth on the side of my nail once again i sharpened up the edges with the base color then just add a black . for his eye and that's it for sonic i also started with this type of tan polish across the tip of my nail once that dried i added two big white circle eyes keeping a valley of blue in the middle.

Classic Video Game Nail Art

Next I added a black . for his nose and two black pupils then to make him a little cuter i finished with two white dots for highlights now on to Kirby i started with two horizontal dashes of a darker shade of pink for his blushing cheeks then like i did with sonic i added to black pupils and white highlights and last but not least donkey kong using the same tan polish as before I painted a rounded t-shape in the center of my nail for his chest and tummy again don't worry if the lines are clean just string them up with the base color with the red polish I painted a half circle around the moon of my nail then added a larger . in the center I sketched in the tie and filled it in to finish up Donkey Kong apply a top coat to smooth out all the designs and you're done .

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