Nail Polish PHONE CASE. I'm going to show you how you can make a liquid phone case that looks like a real nail polish this secret lab with my friends or fear that feel of this collab is liquid and she's doing the supercooled liquid nails so make sure to tell her video , let's get into it I know there's a bunch of videos on youtube on how to make liquid phone cases but this video was so requested for you guys that I had to try it.

And I came up with an easier to sneak so anyone can make this DIY i use this as an inspiration but you can use this technique to create your own designs or your own case it doesn't need to be a nail polish so for they jointly they can phone case the ones that are more like soft or robbery works best for this DIY way with black paint we're going to paint the top part of the case to represent the lives of the nail polish and using a very thin brush outline the other part of the case to represent the glass container of the actual nail polish once you are done with that let it fully dried to make it look like a real nail polish print email polish brush depending on the size of your case.


And glue inside the case like this to make the liquid part of the case we're going to need these tiny and thin plastic bags and you can find this at any craft store just make sure they are the same size as your phone to prevent any leaking protect all the size of the white with tape now choose your favorite deal combos and pour them inside the back we only need a tiny amount of later so don't have too much yeah close one side of the x with tape to live only a small space open and here's when you very carefully are going to start adding the water don't have so much water we only need a very small amount because the bank needs to be extra flat so you can fit perfectly between your phone and the clearcase close and secure the back using a bunch of tape or even water resistant believe you have some yeah and that's it you can also use glue to secure this inside the case but that is completely opportunit this is super easy to make and I think it looks super cool but if you don't want to use water to make this DIY you can follow the same steps .

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