Amazing Easy French Tip Nail Trendy
Easy French Tip Nail . we're going to do some fun nail ha[c]ks today around a French manicure at using a rubber band to create the perfect tip for a French manicure and i found a really fun one to do with a band-aid we're going to try both of them for you and I feel like this is going to be a perfect tutorial for lancashire boyz she can't do her nails but I feel like this is like so fail proof she's gonna be able to do it if I can do it anyone can do it the first thing to do is to get a rubber band what you're going to do is use it as a guard to protect and create the perfect line.
You want to tie it in a knot and the old I don't know it all and it doesn't have to be a perfectly centered in the middle all that really does kind of create and let number 8 like then you're going to want to place it on your pointer finger this space that is showing is the space that you're going to paint so you can determine how thick or thin you want your French manicure tip to lock and once you have it placed you're going to want to take the other end of the rubber band and put your thumb through it and secure your thumb and it keeps it nice and taut and then you're going to want to paint the tip and we're using that as the guard very gently you're going to cover band and pull it out Wow and you want to follow and repeat the process you can always yes syria just all right we're going to try this this thicker band.
Easy French Tip Nail
Easy French Tip Nail
I definitely think that the bigger flattered that was definitely better was easier to control you can just take a little and remover and just wipe the tip-off we got a nice jaw so I i I've done my tips guys I tried to clean them up and now i'm going to put a top good on them the trick in my eyes to a perfect application is to prepare your brush with the perfect amount of paint what I find is when you give it like a nice harsh bend see how like the bristles just kind of get already instantly flat and wide I'm starting to like kind of train them by like wiggling off and you want to go from cuticle no this is super easy supposedly the hack is to use a band-aid and I got ones that have more of a school oval school oval square oval and then I'm cutting them in half so applying the band-aid leaving the amount of nail expose that I want to paint that's nice i like that and then you're going to want to make sure that the quarters all the way down are applied or else your nail polish will come through i'll just start by doing the grain the pink one of my thumbs so we're going to go in and this is my gray I love that you can just get messy with this so there you are ready i'm headed to three here we go I'll that a supercool shoot but there's there's holes in this freaking band-aid look it looks like it has eyes I'm gonna try maybe not to apply so much over the band-aid just uses more of a guide now this one is orange and baby blow this is a great guard i'm a big fan of this here we go pink this is a light pink cute this is better than tape it already comes pre cut and I like that it has a nice edge to it haha
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