Amazing Essie Nail Polish Collection 2016 Trendy

Essie Nail Polish 2016. even more delicious I think I must have hardly ever going to be built two new colors and design but yeah they're really good as well a lot less expensive than the prices are really good the kind of people are just fed and I'm not just a better quality than the ones they literally lost all my life I think the longest time instead on the day's other news I took it off with because mine algebra so they all such good quality color age credible get everything you could ever imagine they are just amazing so I'm gonna show you my favorite with you today I hope you enjoy it while it is about male 3 like the smallest wanna get bigger bigger issues to like talk away and make a right at the bottom of a Shopaholic did and didn't go over to my FB now.

So I'm just gonna pick come out with the collection was the winter break and how do you set yeah I love the colors in this was ok so there are three places in the winter collection this first one is cooled talk in my talk and it's really nice white shade is not really ok so you do have to put a few layers but it's a really nice glossy white is this red shade is cool geological oh and it's incredible so nice such a nice paula jones my job thing for most amazing color like New Year I thought it was just so shocking is like gold is like a mixture of the two you can't really tell whether it's one of the other so so pretty literally seems like everyone else seems on a couple of people is getting tired so yeah they do this on a regular nail polish identity document opted for the got a bigger version not sure about 200 low voltage on my job to do it the winter collection from last year about something then do it as they are proving my point is this someone collection from long ball i'm too I think it was so got this one he just called ya really really bright orange so right.

Essie Nail Polish Collection 2016

I am NOT ready to wear it this is cool and hot and it's already pretty light magenta bright magenta color and it's just stunning haha you want to be sure how that's a really nice color and its cool pristine like green color countries saudi more than a country that's intentional I'm kind of intent with agreed on it but I just don't see me I'm pretty much just glad this just doesn't see me I think over it is kinda you need a tumble and I'm extremely pale so they just don't quite look right but I can imagine being really 95 on politics just offered agrees as well it would have been perfect for that but if you go on holiday already where they talked about how to talk with you every time I've never seen in a private collection so I'm not sure that they are that you never know three-month full-size production 2005 discounted which makes me really happy because I know the 350 lineup that might have realized that order to do the best I can for the first time but this one quarter bringing me softly the latest one my gosh darn it so I really like the glycerine landow polish but it's got a silver like drugs in it looks like something really light blue silver blue like that as well just so pretty but you really can't even see home prices on this is so nice so that's pretty sharply.

I'm pretty sure in the my permanent collection yeah I think that came out just before New Year so yeah it's just so pretty good glittering really hard to go but I like the clinton also but they are so hard to get all three buildings or not but this one really nice if you want to talk over another color or two sometime if you do I get quite okay darling began to get away next caller is called stuck in my top list is the same as the one that was in the winter collection by radio and I wanted to highlight but the party was actually seen as well love I love this you can use this money but I think it fit to loosen its not so when you gonna finish michael c you really want to do like 12 codes and I gotta pay but this is really you could you want to use it just a white male my love just thinking my home white it's a pretty good basin aloft as well if you want a white base and then fucks routine now this is really about because like nice it's just really looks really good call on the lips of Ashley let's just say i three other conditions so stunning that stuck in my talks that's one of my favorite feature is a really really pale pasty while not always right but it's very close to white it's a really really pale babe payed and it's doing nothing I'm like I can't even describe how pretty this is one of those now uninsured if you want to feel really pretty talented where this and it's so I think this is probably the prettiest I would say so and it's definitely blood in my top five I love this top three I love it just because when I was especially excited and they really feel like a nicer elegant with it all night it's just so I'm wearing black clothes like this is quite red black and grey so I usually like a statement Lynn Haven fails to kind of make my life a bit more interesting but on the day when I'm wearing colored or if I even if I'm just one block and only really elegant than I wear this week and it's just like last it gonna come up without being to fold from abroad conversion Fiji this is quite similar but when you put that on the night of the robbery is extremely drunk right they think he is understating it got a lot more white than that and it is not our home page is under like bright as anything really notice when you think now even a compiled a statement announcing its

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