Amazing Polish Blast Game Nail Art Tutorial Trendy

Game Nail Art. I'm gonna start with base coat to protect my natural nails and then apply two coats of pink nail polish on all nail while I'm waiting for my nails to dry enough playing punish blast it's an awesome app game created by Sandy and if you did a good job in the game you'll get to hear polish blah let's go back to my nails and that hand painting.

I'm going to draw the outline of the characters using white accurate paint by using white as debate the colors i'm going to apply on top will come out nicely you can also years like nail polish for this step using the same paint draw a rough shape for Sandy's character as well apply green nail polish on the index finger magenta color for the middle / for the king and breathe yeah now I'm going to add the bottle caps using black and blue add some great lines to create the shiny look in the eyes with a couple layers of white paint yeah you like that border around the patella thing to each side of the eyes with a similar color Peter portal.

Polish Blast Game Nail Art Tutorial

If you want a more realistic look you can add some shade and highlights do the details with black tape yeah now move on to the pink bottle start with the cap and I've paint the board around outside and some shade and highlight doing the details to complete yeah to complete the rest of the characters repeat the same steps using different color let's move on to the standings character paint the schema decorative tape and allow it to dry I'm going to draw a star shaped bottle next to her doing the border let's add some shades to the face this will also help me positioning the facial parts for later yeah amusing . Brown to draw the details ok ok yeah yeah take the hair with slightly lighter brown feel the eyes and key with white yeah yeah i use an audio of color paint for high and dark orange for the star your videos like the other characters to compete yeah apply topcoat to seal the design and a beautiful shine by delay i don't know if you guys noticed but on my left hand I have a feeling handy decal that I made on plastic freezer bag see the combination of Sandy and my favorite anime character and he landed thank you for watching and i hope you like this design 

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