Amazing Skittle Tutorial (4 Easy Nail Art Designs!) Trendy

Skittle Tutorial . my skills tutorial today's manicure is inspired by this gorgeous planner that i got from Nikki Catherine on etsy there's just a ton of adorable little pieces in it and I just thought that they went together so well so i decided to do a manicure inspired by it Nicki catherine was generous enough to give a discount to my followers so i'll put all the details in the description below but definitely check it out because they're really cute and they come with a lot of good stuff so for this manicure i am using my Cuchillo dehydrator Cuchillo base coat OPI alpine snow Cuchillo to am in Hollywood and lv.x monarch.

I'm also going to be using this two-sided dotting tool my liquid palisade to protect around my nails and then these really really thin finals from the what's up nail store so before i get started i am just going to use my dehydrator on my nails because i've been using a lot of lotion lately just to take care of them and this is a great way to get the base coat and nail polish food here to my nail ok so let's get started with the index nail which is some diagonal stripes course i'm going to start off by protecting my natural nail with some base coat then I'm going to paint on one coat of white nail polish once that's dry i'm going to apply my quick dry top coat just to protect the white nail polish from peeling off when i use my finals so I applied these vinyls off camera just doing a diagonal stripe inspired by one of the adorable little paper clips in my binder and i'm just going to paint over that with my black nail polish while the black polish is still wet I am going to appeal off my vinyls and then it's going to reveal some nice crisp lines.

Now I'm just going to take some acetone and a small brush and I'm going to clean up around the edges so it looks nice and smooth and once everything is dry i'm going to apply my child coat diagonally so that the lines don't get smudged ok so moving on to the middle nail which is some little hearts again i am starting off with some base coat to protect my natural nail and then once that is dry i'm going to apply it one coat of my white nail polish once my base color is dry i'm going to take my gold polish and i'm going to do two large dots next to each other and then I'm going to flip my dotting tool over to the smaller side and i'm just going to pull down and make a heart shape the trick to this is definitely being patient and of course cleaning up after yourself so once i'm done with these hearts gonna go in with some white nail polish and i'm just going to clean up those lines and then like I said I'm going to go in with my white nail polish and i'm just going to clean up those lines once everything is dry i'm going to finish off with my quick dry top coat all right next up is the ring finger which is some doodled triangles again i'm going to start off with my base coat as you guys have come to expect and then i'm going to apply one coat of my white nail polish all right now here's the fun part i'm going to take a really really tiny detail brush 

And I am just going to take my black nail polish and I'm going to paint a little random triangles all over my now again there's really no trick to this it doesn't have to look perfect because we're going for this sort of doodle effect so you really can just have fun with this I honestly love the way this looks and i feel like i should do an entire manicure with it because i think it looks so cool but let me know what you guys think yeah once your triangles are dry you can add your quick dry top coat and last but not least we have the pinky nail which is a gradient because i cannot resist doing gradients so one more time I'm going to start off with my base coat to protect my natural nail and i'm going to apply my gold polish now i'm going to apply some of my liquid palisade around my nail just to protect it from the nail polish that we are going to be sponging on taking a regular cosmetic sponge i'm just going to apply one stripe of my black nail polish and then overlap that with my gold nail polish and now i'm just going to sponge it on my now so when you're doing a gradient with a cream polish like the black and then a shimmer polish like the gold it's going to take a few extra coats just because it takes a while for these two colors to meld together so just be patient keep applying it let it dry a little bit sponge on some more and then eventually it will look awesome now i am going to peel off my liquid palisade and I'm just going to go in with my clean up brush and some acetone again and I'm going to fix up those cuticles then I'm just going to finish off with some top coat and that is it for this manicure I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as you all enjoyed my original skill manicure

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