Amazing Summer Nail art Feather Trendy
Summer Nail art. I have chosen this paint because the colors can be easily mixed. I haven't tried but it may be work with acrylic paint Enough of the blabbering, let's now try this beautiful nail art. I had first tried this nail art on a long fake nail I've challenged myself to do it on short nail First I have done an apricot ombré base To do so, I've used this nail polish I have applied two coats and let it dry. Now I apply an orange varnish on the edge of my nail I apply a transparent nail polish and I make the ombré.
And now with golden pigment powder You may also use eye shadow then I apply it with my finger on the almost dried polish The nail polish has to be a bit sticky. Next I tap on the nail in an upward direction to make an ombré To make this beautiful iridescent gradient. I love this technique. To know how to do it, click on the link to watch the explantory video. I'm using the aquarelle colors from EF Exclusive. I'll be using many different colors. For the aquarel paint to adhere correctly, your base has to be very matte. I've applied a white nail polish Then I've applied a white acrylic paint because it becomes matte when it dries.
Summer Nail art Feather
Summer Nail art Feather
And then to help it adhere very well I have applied a semi-permanent nail polish in the end. I will do this on a fake nail because it couldn't see what I was doing on my nail the camera was embarrassing me To draw the outline, I'm using a light color like brown, it is a quite neutral color. So to draw the basic shape of the feather, I am using a detail brush. I also add some notches to make some benchmarks To make the holes of the feather. This time, I will be using a round brush To apply one by one the colors. I apply the color on the nail then, it is important to clean the brush and then i wipe it. And finally I make the ombré. I do this step for every color So every time I apply the color spot, I will make the gradient two or three times So first I apply the color then I clean the brush and I make the gradient. I do this step each time On both side of the feather. Respecting the axis of the feathers The applied colors have to look a bit wavy. Do not apply it any old how. As you can see here, It has color strips. And if you want to find more videos, my blog and all my news Feel free to download my new smartphone application available on App Store or on Google Play if you do not have it yet. You'll see, it is very useful. And now with a clean bush, I correct the notches that I'd made in the beginning To do so, I erase the aquarelle You can easily erase an aquarelle paint with water. So I erase it to make the cracks appear well.
Then with the detail brush and the colors I've been using to paint the feather I add some lines to highlight the colors It will beautify the design. I add the lines according to the colors I've been using. And if you have big lines just like this one, what you do is, with your clean and wet brush run your brush over the line to refine the line. Then I clean the area middle area of the feather It is called the shaft. I remove the paint from the shaft And I paint it white aquarelle. The shaft has to be white or empty, with no color Then I add some white lines here and there as you can see. Now I add some dark gray lines I'm not using black because it would be too dark I add several lines here and there according to the shape of the feathers Now I draw the markout of the shaft. I add some colors at the top of the feather If you have overflown, use white color to correct it. I add some small feathers below. And then I add what I like the most I add some touches of iridescent paint. Then I apply a semi-permanent top coat. But you can also apply a normal nail polish But apply two coats of it. However I've noticed that normal nail polish may chip And if water runs under the nail polish your aquarelle design will be ruined! It damages very quickly. Even if the aquarelle paint has dried for hundred years You can steal erase it with water. I hope that you like this nail art and that you will try it !
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