Amazing 5 Ways To Get French Manicure Nails Trendy

French Manicure Nails. create a french tip beginning of the base coat to protect your natural nails this will help to keep your french mani lasting all week then apply a coat of a sheer pink or beige polish for your base this will enhance and even out the color of your nail bed now choose a bright white polish start at the side of your nail and slowly rotate the finger you're working on to add the whitetip the trick here is to slowly turn your finger this works a lot better than moving the brush especially when you're using.

Your non-dominant hand finish off the fast drying top coat to seal it in and add a beautiful shine but moving on to the second way over this method that's perfect for beginners we're going to be using some white tip guides you can find these at any drugstore a ton of different brands make them just peel them off using your fingers or tweezers and then apply it firmly right below your smile line this is where the white meats the pink then paint some white nail polish above the sticker and before it has a chance to dry peel the sticker off for a perfect clean line then you can apply a shear nude polish over it and top it off with a fast drying top coat all died ok let's try another way but let's begin with a base coat wait for it to dry and then apply your sheer natural polish for an even base this time we're going to be using a French manicure pen again these come from a wide variety of brands and i can easily be found at your local drugstore once your sheer base color has dried you can use the pen to fill in the white tip of your nail I'm not sure why they call it a pen it's more like a marker really this is probably the most fun way to create french tips i really liked coloring in the white part of my nail with the marker.

5 Ways To Get French Manicure Nails

The white isn't as bright as the white polish so it leaves you with a more natural-looking French manicure once you're done coloring in your white tips sealed all in with the topcoat this is important because without a top coat white pen will come off the next time you wash your hands on to number four again start off with a base coat and then use a sheer polish to create this French manicure we're going to be using a white striper place the striping brush at the side of your nail and then rotate your finger to separate the pink from the White continue using the brush to fill in the rest of your white tip make sure to get the very sides of the nail and correct the smile line if you need to seal it all in with a fast drying top coat look for the file and fifth way we're going to start off with the white polish use vertical strokes at the tip of your nail to cover your white tip it's totally okay if it's messy next you'll need a small paintbrush i like to use an oval-shaped 10 up a little container with nail polish remover and then dip your brush in two completely saturate it make sure to lightly wipe off the sides of it so it isn't dripping what then use the brush to correct the line where the white needs the pink keep dipping it into the nail polish remover and brushing until you get the desired look that you want when it's complete you can add the sheer nude color over it and then finish off with the topcoat and there you have it five different ways to achieve a perfect French manicure

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