Amazing How to use acrylic paints for your nail art Trendy
Nail art acrylic paint. what about acrylic fate no this is about how to use acrylic paint and what can be done with it Wow it can be found in small tubes like these if you wanted in larger parts you can find it at the supermarket or in paint shops.
I love the maxi beats it has a very good texture for new lights i'm gonna show you now the first technique with the dotting tool and usually use it to decorate my flowers or designs when you daily with the paint you'll be able to make dots of different sizes so now i dilute the paint a lot when your paint is diluted enough you'll be able to make small dots so use a small dotting tool not a big one otherwise it won't work here i'm using slightly they lead paint that allows me to make bigger thoughts with very diluted pains i can make smaller dots and be careful this technique doesn't work with other brushes you'll see that when the pain is well debuted it won't stick to the nail polish since it's not compatible with water now i'm going to show you another technique with the line of brush with it you can draw lines you'll notice that you don't need to dip your brush and paint after each line I can still use my brush putting it back in the paint another technique very useful when you made a mistake simply take some cotton soaked in water or a tissue and white your nail while it's still wet when your paint is Right use nail polish remover same as with the detail brush it works better with acrylic paint then with nail polish you'll be able to make your designs easily now polish is vicious and hard to work with since you'll have to clean your brush.
How to use acrylic paints for your nail art
And load your pain in the palette it also dries quite quickly in your palate so the designs are made easier with acrylic paint you should try it just like i'm showing you last technique the one stroke it's essential to use acrylic paint to make the one stroke it's much easier with acrylic paint than it is with nail polish that's quite impossible in fact to make a one-stroke you need two colors I'm using white and pink here i usually use white and purple because they think it's really beautiful then i use my people brush you can also use the flat brush if you want i always want my brushes before using acrylic paints as you can see i bring the hairs together to obtain a square brush I dip one side in the white paint and the other side and bring pain to make the one stroke then I make a gradient on my pilots that's not to make the separation between white and the pink too Stark I want the two cars to melt well then i can make the one through the end of the battle is quite hard to make with one stroke as you can see you have to twist the brush between your fingers and at the same time lift it up at the end that's why i use a people brush
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